I kind of listen regularly to Web Boss and Scott Tolinski’s podcast, Syntax. I like the way they talk about web development and the way they explain things. I think they are doing a great job.

Recent Episodes on fitness was really great and I did a small experiment in 2023 with morning and evening fitness routines and it made me feel a lot happier and healthier. I am looking forward to this cricket season to add more fitness history to my life.

Listening to the episode with Anne Thomas and Trudy MacNabb it was good to hear component based approach to UI from Shopify and it confirmed that most selling items are usually simple things but most used. In my work with product owners I have seen great success when efforts are made to most used items instead of less used complex features. Was good to know about their experience of Shopify CLI and local development.

Interesting episode on AI in Javascript using Transformers.js. I have noticed a lot of GPU requirements for these AI models are now getting relaxed due to ability to run them and see their impact on various devices. Data we collect about water flowing in taps, current flowing through devices at home can be used with very small models (that can be stored on microSd card) and run via Raspberry Pi to give us insights about our usage and help us save money and resources.

Tesla AI division or should I say Open AI competition has heated up in March 2024. I have looked at the app that contains few things for UK market but nothing major due to UNECE regulations. I am looking forward to see how they will be able to use their AI models for Driving, Summon and Banish features. Regardless of availability in Europe i think if safety metrics can prove that we can actually use cars as we use lifts now then I dont think any regulatory block will be there. Its just seems slow relative to other things.