5 years of development life
5 years of development life
I started mfsbo account on Github on 10th June 2019. It’s been 5 years since then. I did my handover on last job via github and came to mfsbo before during transition period. The shift was from one side of development to another with same concepts. Before 2019 I was involved heavily in php Laravel based backend, devOps in Linux, MySQL replication and federated tables etc with Nodejs and Typescript react applications. After June I was involved in .net webforms, asp.net mvc, web apis with Vue front end and some dotnet core.
In 2019 I started early to prepare myself for the job and had a plan in place before I started. I knew I am getting into webforms and had to get whole team out of it very soon. It took a bit longer than I expected and I changed few ways by October to pick up speed before end of year break. I integrated multiple small vue apps into aspx pages to allow team to shift from jQuery to Vue.
In 2020 I had to be in hospital for 2 weeks for a small operation and I remember that time talking to someone on private repo about their javascript object export project and ended up contributing to that which later on served us in multiple projects. I did spend some weekends in April and May to make things work early. Summer of 2020 was very productive and ended up with launch of few things in September and November. Started working towards Azure and Microsoft stack using Teams and migrated loads of internal processes this year.
In 2021 I started working towards migration of bigger functions and had a good run during start and mid of 2021. I took breaks in May to recharge, then ended up having time off at end of year. A lot of automation came this year along with shuffling of teams and offices etc.
In 2022 I started after a good break but had to contribute to more learning of team rather than coding. Whole summer went with managing legacy code base, launching features on legacy code base due to customer demands and getting into mud of web forms where possible. We did come out of few things by September, October time where I knew we had to draw a line to get few other things done. I did some weekend work again till December and was ready for another year. Fragmented breaks meant I needed a bit of fresh start.
In 2023 I had to change my plan and move slightly different direction that what I planned in December of 2022. Start of the year was to train few people to follow but then had loads of AI effort done to get hold of powershell scripts, automate release pipelines, training staff and then comes the end of 2023. August 2023 was my break but then had team shuffled a bit. Last quarter looks so contributing but it was the result of automation that I was able to contribute that much while doing Operations and Building Servers on a roller coaster. Time passed and plan came in place for 2024.
In 2024 I started with new mission and slightly unsure plan to shuffle team as well as go full steam on infra that was blocking me at start of 2023. I took week break with kids in February and came back with another plan. Goal posts were same but slightly moved to achieve better output. Quite a lot to achieve for second half of the year however this marks my 5 year journey on mfsbo account on github.
The journey is not just github contributions, these are only few things I do like code reviews and taking code all the way from Development to Live with multiple steps in between. on the way I have understood a lot about other developers and specially met few open source and security people who helped me speed up my learning. I have managed to learn about Nx monorepo, dotnet core aspire and migrated an mvc application with phonegap mobile app to dotnet core minimal api’s and ionic mobile app. Was able to first hand experience release process for car manufacturer mobile app. I was able to join few online communities for learning Bicep, Svelte, Tailwind etc.